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Zero Hold Up Filter Press

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Zero hold up filter presses cartridge assembly consists of plates, perforated screens, spacers and filters media the liquid spreads out equally on each plate fitted with filter media filtrate flows through precisely made on sides of plates and collects in the shell, which then comes out through the outlet in the process solids are evenly distributed on each plate. The cake is then cleaned from the filter material and used again for viscosity of the oil & liquid & with the amount of sediment contained therein. There are various combinations available in size & number of plate to give different filtration area & cake holding capacities to meet your process requirement. The work man ship finish & make of components ensure best quality to meet the fortune Pharma Technologies Requirements.

Salient Features.

  • Single pass filtration with no solid by pass
  • No scavenger arrangement required
  • The top dome structure ensures fast & easy removal of cartridge assembly & cleaning of cake.
  • Available with centrifugal/ gear/ lobe pump
  • Fitted with pressure gauge, safety valve, air vent , sampling port
  • High flow rates
  • Low pressure drop
  • Positive sealing arrangement to avoid by passing
  • Easy to operate & low maintenance
  • Cove are “O” Ring sealed
  • High temperature & high pressure design are available
  • Housing are permanently piped
  • Large-area heavy-duty baskets
  • The filtration area and cake holding capacity can increased or decreased according to requirement
  • Filter press is available in two size. Deep plate for large percentage of cake holding and shallow plate for small percentage of cake holding capacity
  • SS pump mounted on SS trolley with heavy duty trust ball bearing caster wheels for easy movement
  • Provide with by pass system and sample collecting device
  • SS jacket can be provide for hot filtration (optional)
  • Components are argon are welded & polished to mirror finish
  • Push button station will be provided with machine also
  • Recirculation line be provided as per client requirement.
  • All housings made from ss316/ss316L & ss304 are mirror polished
  • Size available models 8”14”18”24 & 33” Diameter
  • Available models 8”14”18”24 & 33” plate Diameter


  • Sugar syrup based liquid oral for pharmaceutical
  • Sugar syrup for soft drink industries
  • Pre coat filter for breweries.

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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